Get Involved

Build Your Resume and Meet New Colleagues

Build your leadership skills and meet other California engineers by volunteering with NSPE-California. Whether for an hour or two each month or each week, NSPE-CA has an opportunity for you.

Opportunities include reaching out to new members; setting up local engineer meet-ups, facility tours, or education programs; and helping with MATHCOUNTS. Any one of these volunteer roles can start a leadership pathway to board membership with the association or its foundation.

If you have additional ideas, we’d like to hear them!

To become more involved with your engineering association:

  • Call Executive Director Jeanne Marie Tokunaga at 916-800-3348; or,
  • Email; or,
  • Fill out the questionnaire.

We look forward to meeting you!


Tell Us About Yourself

NSPE-California would love to showcase some of our members and let you share some of the reasons that got you interested in professional engineering.  Would you like to be featured in our California Engineers column in our newsletter? 


Participate in Our Online Community

As a valued member of CSPE, we invite you to participate in our new discussion board for California Engineers. We'll be using this spot for introductions and discussion topics ranging from artificial intelligence, PEs and emerging technologies, and other local issues important to California Engineers.


Share Your Expertise

Become a speaker in our 2021 NSPE-California Events Program!

Do you have a topic you would like to present to your fellow California Engineers?

This year we'll be focusing on four main themes:

  1. Future of the Professional Engineering License
  2. The Impact of Emerging Technologies on PE Licensure
  3. Lawyer Engineer: At the Intersection of the State Regulations, Public safety and Professional Engineering
  4. California Projects: Success Stories and Lessons Learned from Projects Across the Golden State

If you have a topic that you would like to share in any of these areas, click the button below. We will have a rolling application process and an option to present locally in person at your home region or virtually.

We can't wait to hear about what our California Engineers have to share with the rest of the engineering profession!